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Library and publishing
University Library
University Library of New University (ULNU) provides library and informational support and optimal conditions for studying and scientific-research work to members of New University.
Name of institution: Univerzitetna knjižnica Nove univerze
Address: Mestni trg 23, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact: knjiznica@nova-uni.si
Telephone number: 01 251 44 85
Library number: 51018, ISIL: SI-51018
For visitors of library
Visitors to the library can enjoy free Wi-Fi, several reading spaces (with or without) computers, and professional assistance from the librarians, who are always happy to help you search for materials or give you information.
The library registration fee is already covered upon enrolment, but you need to enrol in the library seperately. If you have not enrolled yet you can do so in person or via email. What is requred is an ID and a filled in and signed registration form (find attached at the bottom of the page).
Reservation of the material
Because we value your time we offer a new service – reservation of materials through “My Library” on COBISS.si.
Upon logging in the My Library system you choose the desired book in the UKNU catalogue and make a reservation. When we prepare the book, you get a notification via e-mail. Reserved materials will be waiting for you at the library for three working days after receiving the notification. If you will not require the material you can always cancel via the service, email or telephone, but unclaimed reserved materials will be charged according to the price list (0,50 EUR).
Information resources
The library provides off site access to several information resources, both from international and Slovenian sources. Access is enabled for library patrons with the same access information you use to reserve materials from the library.
If you haven’t recieved a password for accessing My Library on COBISS.SI, please call us on 01 251 44 85 or write to us at knjiznica@nova-uni.si.
If you are writing your thesis make sure it is in accordance with the Technical instructions.
UKNU provides librarian-informational services to the following members of New University:
- European Faculty of Law
- Faculty for Government and European Studies
- Faculty for Slovene and International Studies
New University Publishing publishes the latest research achievements in the areas of interest of the faculties in the form of:
- scientific monographies and critical issues with commentaries,
- translations of scientific monographies,
- digital and hard copies of study books.
Upon publishing the publications the following aspects are taken into account:
- current contents which are of a fundamental significance for the development of the individual scientific area,
- works with importance for the development of Slovene scientific terminology,
- works with importance in representing Slovene scientific achievements at home and abroad,
- themes important for spreading new scientific cognitions and culture
New University Publishing takes care to appropriately technically equip all the publications (CIP, ISBD, …), and follows the valid legal regulations.
Scientific magazine Dignitas
Scientific magazine Dignitas issues scientific articles regarding the constitutional and international law of human rights, concise translations of key judgments of the European Court of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, especially those regarding the claims of Slovene complainants, legal commentaries on judgments of the European Court of Justice, key documents, studies, opinions and conclusions of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), general information about important events in the area of human rights protection in Slovenia and internationally. Dignitas also publishes special issues regarding a special theme.
The magazine has two yearly issues, up until now in the form of double numbers to the extent of 300 – 400 pages. Editorial programme of the magazine devotes special attention to the original works of the lecturers and postgrad students of the Faculties, especially articles that represent the most interesting information in the new Master’s or Doctor’s thesises and research.
Scientific magazine Dignitas is a part of the international IBZ base.
More about Dignitas: http://revije.nova-uni.si
e-mail: publishing@nova-uni.si