Management Board
The Management Board is the body that manages the Faculty. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Management Board shall be elected from amongst and by its members. Their term of office is one calendar year. The term of office usually ends on 31 December and starts on 1 January. The Chairperson of the Management Board shall prepare, call and preside over meetings of the Management Board and supervise the implementation of its decisions. If the Chairperson of the Management Board is a representative of the majority owner of the Faculty, the Vice-Chairperson shall be one of the minority owners. The Chairperson of the Management Board is a legal representative and the management body of the Faculty. The Chairperson shall represent the Faculty in legal transactions. The Vice-Chairperson of the Management Board shall perform the tasks of a legal representative and the management body of the Faculty when the Chairperson of the Management Board is absent or issues such authorization. All the tasks of legal representation and management of the Faculty and its representation in legal transactions shall be performed by the Chairperson of the Management Board based on a decision and under authorization of the Management Board. The Vice-Chairperson of the Management Board shall perform such tasks when the Chairperson of the Management Board is absent or issues such authorization. Based on a decision and under authorization of the Management Board and in the name and on behalf of the Faculty, the Chairperson of the Management Board shall sign material operations acts and other acts of the Faculty and sign all contracts relating to financial or other burdens of the Faculty, as well as status, organizational an institutional changes of the Faculty and its organizational units. The Vice-Chairperson of the Management Board shall sign such acts when the Chairperson of the Management Board is absent or issues such authorization.
The Management Board shall issue decisions at meeting chaired by the Chairperson of the Management Board. A decision shall be adopted by a majority of votes.
The Management Board shall decide on all material, financial, operational, organizational and personal issues concerning Faculty operations and adopt all general internal Faculty acts, such as the statute, the systematization act, price lists, criteria, etc., and ensure smooth material operations of the Faculty. In particular, the Management Board shall:
- adopt the criteriai for the preparation of a financing plan for the Faculty,
- adopt a financing plan and the closing of accounts of the Faculty,
- appoint the chief secretary,
- appoint the chief accountant,
- appoint the Disciplinary Board,
- adopt an act on sistematization of jobs at the Faculty,
- conclude work contracts, service contracts, copyright contracts, authorship contracts and other contracts on teaching cooperation,
- decide on employment relationships,
- adopt decisions on the amount of tuition fees and price lists for other services,
- adopt other decisions in the field of material operations,
- adopt an investment plan,
- appoint the Dean and Vice-Deans,
- appoint heads of Faculty organizational units,
- decide on implementation, organization and financing of new study programmes at the Faculty and on changes to current study programmes,
- decide on all other programmes or projects of scientific, research, advisory, publishing or any other nature in the field of activities, for which the Faculty is registered,
- adopt the statute and other Faculty acts,
- appoint the Department Head for the period of two years.
Academic Assembly
The Academic Assembly is composed of all university teachers, researchers and higher education staff that perform teaching or scientific research activities in the current semester of the academic year pursuant to an existing contractual relationship with the Faculty. Student representatives shall participate in the work of the Academic Assembly, so that they represent at least a fifth of the Academic Assembly members.
Academic Assembly shall:
- elect the Senate members in accordance with the provisions of the Act Establishing the Faculty and the Faculty Statute,
- give general guidelines to the Senate related to study programmes and their implementation, as well as other proposals and intitiatives,
- discuss reports on the work of the higher education institution and give proposals and initiatives to the Senate,
- perform other tasks determined by this Statute and rules of the Faculty.
The Academic Assembly shall make decisions at meetings, which includes correspondence meetings. The President of the Academic Assembly shall convene a meeting of the Academic Assembly. The Academic Assembly shall elect the President from among the members of the Academic Assembly.
Student Council
The Student Council shall consist of student representatives. The Student Council performs the following work: discusses the Statute of the Faculty and gives opinion in this regard to the competent Faculty bodies, gives opinion regarding all issues relating to the rights and obligations of students, and accepts and carries out a programme of extracurricular activities for Faculty students in cooperation with the student community.
The Dean is the expert head of the Faculty who proposes general acts, decisions and guidelines to be adopted by the Management Board, the Senate or other Faculty bodies and is responsible for their implementation. Any university teacher employed at the Faculty may be named as Dean.
In particular, the Dean shall perform the following tasks:
- manage, direct, supervise and coordinate the educational, scientific research and other work of the Faculty,
- ensure and be responsible for the legality of Faculty operations and for implementation of its obligations stipulated by the law and other regulations,
- regularly report to the Management Board about their work,
- at least once annually, report about Faculty operations to the Senate,
- promote doctors of science,
- convene and chair the meetings of the Faculty Senate,
- decide on the disciplinary responsibility of employees and impose disciplinary measures, when competent for this,
- decide on other issues and perform other tasks in accordance with the law, other regulations, the Act Establishing the Faculty and the Faculty Statute,
- Represent the Faculty and based on the authorization of the Management Board, represent the Faculty in procedures before state and other bodies. One year before the Dean’s term of office expires, the Faculty Management Board shall appoint the Dean for the term of two years. If prior to the expiration of the term, a new Dean is not elected or the the term of office is not renewed for the existing Dean, the term of office of the existing Dean shall be renewed until a new Dean is elected.
The term of office shall terminate:
- when the term of office expires,
- upon resignation,
- upon dismissal.
The Management Board may dismiss the Dean before the Dean’s term of office expires if the Dean does not act in accordance with their guidelines and decisions.
The Senate is an expert body of the Faculty and shall consist of at least nine members. It shall consist of those members of the Academic Assembly that are holders or co-holders of at least one of the courses. According to their function, the Senate includes the following members: Student Council representatives, the Dean and the Vice-Dean (or Vice-Deans, if there are more). Students shall hold at least one fifth of seats in the Senate. The Academic Assembly shall elect the Senate members. The term of office of Senate members shall be two years. After the expiry of this period, they may be re-elected.
The Dean shall chair the operations of the Senate. If the Dean is absent, the Vice-Dean or an authorized Senate member shall chair the operations.
The Faculty Senate shall discuss expert issues in the field of teaching and scientific research activities of the Faculty, issues relating the implementation of study programmes at the Faculty, new programmes and changes to existing programmes.
The Senate shall:
- adopt study programmes,
- lay down the criteria for awarding titles to the teaching staff, research staff and faculty assistants,
- award titles to the teaching staff, research staff and faculty assistants,
- decide on the withdrawal of the title of a university teacher, researcher or faculty assistant,
- in the habilitation procedure or in the procedure of title withdrawal, the Senate shall appoint a three-member committee that will report on teaching and research qualifications of the candidate,
- adopt the research and development programme,
- adopt the academic calendar and the annual Faculty work plan,
- appoint a three-member committee to evaluate doctor dissertation topics and candidate qualifications for performance of doctor dissertations,
- confirm topics and mentors for doctor dissertations,
- appoint a three-member committee for evaluation, confirm the committee evaluation and appoint members for the defense of submitted doctoral dissertations,
- accept an expert opinion on young researchers and decide on their nominations,
- discuss and decide on Student Council opinions within its competence,
- appoint own working bodies to perform tasks in individual fields,
- appoint members of the Expert Council of the Faculty Organizational Unit,
- ensure quality monitoring of education and scientific research activities,
- responsible for enforcing the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and coordinating related tasks,
- decide on other matters in accordance with the law, this Statute and Faculty rules.
The Faculty Senate shall discuss topics and make decisions at meetings, which includes correspondence meetings. The Senate may adopt decisions if a majority of its members is present at the meeting. To aid in its work, the Faculty Senate may appoint permanent or non-permanent committees and working bodies.
Habilitation Committee
The Faculty Habilitation Committee consists of:
- prof. dr. Peter Jambrek, president
- prof. dr. Darko Darovec
- Assoc. dr. Ignacija Fridl Jarc
- Assoc. dr. Ines Vodopivec
- Assoc. dr. Marjeta Pisk
- Klavdija Sitar, student
The Habilitation Committee is a working body of the Faculty Senate, which provides an opinion in the procedure for awarding the title of a university teacher, researcher or faculty assistant, The Habilitation Committee also provides opinion for the withdrawal of a title.
The Habilitation Committee shall consist of at least five members elected by the Faculty Senate among the university teachers who meet the condition for election to the Faculty Senate. A student representative shall also be elected to the Habilitation Committee. The term of office of Habilitation Committee members shall be two years. After the expiry of this period, they may be re-elected.
At the first meeting, the Habilitation Committee members shall elect the President who will convene and chair the Committee meetings. The Habilitation Committee performs its work at meetings and forms a quorum if the majority of members are present at the meeting. It adopts decisions with an absolute majority of Committee members.
Academic Affairs Committee
The Academic Affairs Committee shall:
- discuss and approve master’s thesis topics and confirm mentors,
- appoint an expert committee for evaluation and defense of the master’s thesis,
- propose the appointment of an expert committee for suitability evaluation of doctoral dissertation topics to the Senate,
- propose confirmation of topics and mentors for doctoral dissertations to the Senate,
- propose the appointment of an expert committee for evaluation of doctoral dissertations to the Senate,
- Propose the confirmation of evaluations of the expert committee for evaluation of doctoral dissertations and appointment of an expert committee for defense to the Senate,
- based on a student’s request, decide on the enrolment of a student in the next year if the student did not complete all the requirements defined by the study programme for enrolment in the next year,
- based on a student’s request, issue a reasoned opinion on faster progress of the student,
- decide about enrolment of students in study programmes,
- decide on subsequent enrolment in the next year,
- decide on extending the finishing year,
- decide on the recognition of examinations based on certificates for courses already performed at other undergraduate programmes or based on completed professional examinations,
- decide on the application for taking examinations from next years early,
- decide on the application for continuing studies after a break longer than two years,
- decide on the application for exceptional enrolment,
- decide on the application for replacement of an elective course,
- decide on the application for granting the status of a student with special needs,
- consider applications for status extension,
- consider applications for transfer between study programmes,
- confirm the Learning Agreement of a student that applied for international exchange and any amendments to the Learning Agreement,
- decide on extending the study exchange abroad,
- decide on recognition of formal and informal education,
- perform other tasks related to study activities of the Faculty, if no other Faculty body is competent for them.
The Academic Affairs Committee consists of:
Prof Darko Darovec, PhD
Asst Prof Ines Vodopivec, PhD
Asst Prof Manca Erzetič, PhD
Alenka Hriberšek, student