prof. ddr. Igor Grdina Visokošolski učitelj
Ddr. Igor Grdina je redni profesor za slovensko književnost in za kulturno zgodovino. Leta 1994 je doktoriral iz slovenske literature s temo o avtobiografiji v njenem okviru. Leta 2002 je na Univerzi v Ljubljani s tezo iz kulturne zgodovine – z mikroštudijo o skladateljih in zdravnikih Ipavcih, ki so odločilno zaznamovali zgodovino slovenske glasbe. Delal je kot profesor Univerze v Ljubljani in Univerze v Novi Gorici; od 2004 je kot znanstveni svetnik zaposlen na ZRC SAZU. Je tudi sodelavec Alma Mater Europaea. Dva semestra je bil gostujoči profesor na dunajski univerzi. Vabljena predavanja je imel na univerzah v Tübingenu, Regensburgu, Gradcu in Celovcu ter na Humboldtovi univerzi v Berlinu. Njegova bibliografija je dosegljiva na naslovu:
Dr Dr Igor Grdina is a full professor for Slovenian literature and Cultural histrory. In 1994, he received his PhD in Slovene literature having successfully defended his thesis on the subject of the autobiography in Slovenian literature. In 2002, he received his PhD in history at the University of Ljubljana; his PhD thesis was a treatise in cultural history – a micro-study about the Ipavec family of composers and doctors, which importantly contributed to the history of music in Slovenia in the 19th century. He was employed at University of Ljubljana, University of Nova Gorica and Alma Mater Europaea. Since 2004, he has been engaged as a researcher at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He was engaged as a guest-lecturer at the University of Vienna for two full semesters. He held lectures at the universities in Berlin (the Humboldt University), Tubingen, Regensburg, Graz, and Klagenfurt. His bibliography can be accessed at the following address: